Testing the Wireframes

Over the past few weeks the wire frame models have been shown to a few different people. This is the point in the project where several different things are taking place all at the same time. Its really not as a complicated as it may sound because trying to get people to look at the wireframe models takes time and there is know reason to waste time sitting around waiting for people to get in touch with you.

Testing the wrieframe models will continue while building the first version of the interactive prototypes. The testing will continue into the prototypes are completed, which will be during the first week of August. The same questions that were used to test the sketches are also being used for testing the wireframe models. We want to make sure that people can accomplish these five basic tasks.

Results from Testing the Wireframes

Where would you go to search for the book The Great Gatsby?


Person 1 – Enter name in the search field and than select the search button.

Person 2 – Enter the name of the book in the search field and than select the search button.


Person 1 – Select ‘BearCat’ and than enter the name of the book into the search field.


Person 1 – Go to ‘BearCat’

How would you search for an item on reserve?


Person 1 – Select ‘BearCat’ than course reserves.

Person 2 – Select the link called ‘Course Reserves’


Person 1 – Select the ‘Reserves’ link and than search for my name.


Person 1 – Select ‘BearCat’

How long can you check out a book for?


Person 1 – At first this person went to the FAQs web page and after not seeing the question ‘How long can you an item be checked out for?” they selected help. Upon arriving at this page they still did not see the answer they were looking for, so then they went to the ‘About Us’ web page than ‘Policies” and than to ‘Borrowing Policy’ (About Us –> Policies –> Borrowing Policy).

Person 2 – The first thing that the person did was to select ‘Help’ on the home page. They did not see the answer to the question, so next they selected ‘About Us’. After arriving on the About Us web page and still not seeing the answer the next selected the link ‘Site Map’ and than selected the link ‘Borrowing Policy’.


Person 1 – Select ‘FAQs’ than select the quetion ”How long can you an item be checked out for?”. After this accordion open they select the link called ‘Borrowing Policy’.


Person 1 – Select ‘Contact Us’ find the phone number for the library they wanted and than call.

Where would you go to find a peer reviewed article?


Person 1 – Go to ‘Home Page’ and than select ‘Articles’. After selecting articles they would enter a term into the search field and than select the search button.

Person 2 – They selected the ‘Home’ link and than selected the tab called ‘Articles’. After selecting articles they would enter a term into the search field and than select the search button.


Person 1 -Select ‘Resources by Subject’ and than select ‘Dance’.


Person 1 – Select ‘Online Resources’ and than ‘Articles’. After selecting ‘Articles’ they looked for ‘JSTOR’.

Person 2 –

How do you get research help?


Person 1 – Select ‘Help’ on the ‘Home Page’.

Person 2 – Select the ‘Contact Us’ link and than they would either call the library or send a message depending on what their question was.


Person 1 – Select ‘Contact Us’ and than call the Crumb Library.


Person 1 – “It depends on the type of help that I need. I would either type my question into the chat widget or come into the library. For research help, I would most likely come to the library.”

Comments of Note

  • Borrowing Policy is a good page and has helpful information on it
  • Intuitive, Straight Forward
  • One person was not clear on what help really means and they did not know they could type in the Meebo Widget that appeared on the page. What type of help is actually available?
  • People said that they want to get to information quickly and they do not want a maze to go through like the current website.
  • Hours on the current website are bad and not always accurate. They need to make sense to people who use the libraries. The hours the libraries are open is confusing to people. Why not just be open 24 hours?
  • Students who are seniors and faculty member would select BearCat to search for books; However, new students or people not related with the institution would just type the name of the book in the search field and than select submit.