aka Things to Accomplish
- Gather Requirements – INFLUX helped to do this process
- First Thing
- Who are we?
- Who are they?
- Field Study
- Interview
- Shadow – Still need to do
- identify the ‘low-hanging fruit – most important stuff – Still Need to do
- First Thing
- Brainstorm Phase I – 2 weeks List – user tasks, environments Suggest 12 scenarios and than flush out six of them
- Narrow the scope – consider specific tasks a person must be able to do, work out three different possibilities that would allow a person to complete a task
- Conduct a Card Sort – 3 weeks (conservative estimate could be as short as a week and a half, this will depend on how long it takes to recruit people)
- Create Information Architecture – 2 to 3 weeks
- Brainstorm Phase II – 3 to 4 Weeks
- Create a rough design for the six different scenarios that were defined during Phase I and than reduce the number of designs down to three.
- First round of sketches – create three different sketches
- Test First round of sketches – show the sketches to at least three different people to gather feedback
- Second round of sketches – update sketches based upon the feedback that was received
- Test the second round of sketches – show the sketches to at least three different people to gather feedback
- Design (a continuation of the brainstorming process) 4 weeks
- First Wireframes – create at least two different wireframe models based upon the testing of the second round of sketches.
- Test the first wireframes – show wireframe models to at least three different people who are students and/or teaching faculty.
- Second round of wireframes – revise wireframe models based upon the feedback
- Test the second round of wireframes – show wireframe models to at least three different people who are students and/or teaching faculty.
- Prototype – 12 weeks Build It and Test along the way
- Testing and Revising – 5 weeks
- Test Prototype – 2 weeks
- Define specific tasks to be tested than test the prototype with five to seven students and teaching faculty
- Revise Prototype – 2 weeks
- Test Revised Prototype – 1 week
- Make Beautiful and finish adding content– 3 weeks
- Have outside organization do accessibility testing or ask students and faculty who use assistive technology to test prototype – 2 weeks
- Revise based upon feedback – 2 weeks
Some of these things will be able to happen at the same time or be able to overlap to some extent. For example writing new content could start really early in the process and be completed before the prototype is even finished. As with everything else it will also need to be included with the prototype for testing purposes.