HTML for Mashup

Here is the basic HTML markup for the web page that we will be creating today.  It will be the foundation for the mashup that we are going to create.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”>
<html xmlns=””>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ />
<title>Untitled Document</title>




Article for Perspective

This evening will be our last class.  We have taken a look at several different types of technology that have the potential of improving the services that we offer to people.  Here is a citation of an article that can get us thinking about the future.

Becker, Charles H.(2009) ‘Student Values and Research: Are Millennials Really Changing the Future of Reference and Research?’, Journal of Library Administration, 49: 4, 341 — 364.

Todays Class – Social Networking and Bookmarking

Today in class we will be talking about social bookmarking and networking. Before talking about these items we will have a guest speaker Chanitra Bishop who will be talking about how technology is being used in the Information Commons.

We will take a few minutes to talk some more about the Mashup assignment. In taking a look at the maps that were created there were a few things that I did not communicate very well and want to clear up any confusing that may exist.

The social networking portion of the class will include a brief discussion about libraries using sites to communicate with patrons. We will split up into three different groups and each group will use either facebook, ning, or myspace to create a group for the class.

After creating a social networking group we will start to explore social bookmarking websites. Each person will be randomly assigned one of the following social bookmarking websites:

Mashup History

Mashup is a tearm that is used in the music industry when tow songs get mixed together.

During class we will briefly take a look at some mashups and discuss their different components. Each person will randomly select one of the following mashups to explore:

Placeopedia –
Biowizard –
Chicago crime data –
Berkeley-area Doctors –
PubWindows –
Find Pollution –

After discussing mashups we will create a map using Google Maps and then begin to work on the mashup assignment. You can view a map that I created giving people walking directions from the IU Foundation to the Herman B Wells library.

After creating a map you will than incorporate it into your mashup. Earlier this week we created an HTML page to contain either the zoho or meebo chat widget. You will use this webpage to create your mashup. Please see the syllabus for information.

Library Assignment

Laura D. University of Oregon
Matthew C. Wisconsin Historical Society
Fallon University Elementry School
Mathew F. Carnegie Library of Pittsburg
Franklin Maurer School of Law
Willie RPS
Laura M. Waidner-Spahr
Mary Fairfield County Public
Kelly Kent State
Nicholae English and American Collection IUB

XHTML Structure

Here is the XHTML structure that you can just copy and paste into a text editor.  This evening we will be adding a chat widget to a web page and using the widget to ask each other reference questions. The Mashup assignment that we will be doing next week will need to include this chat widget.

Start copying below this line:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”>
<html xmlns=””>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ />
<title>Untitled Document</title>


RSS/Atom Code

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
	<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    <title>Patrick Patterson</title>
    <description>My personal website</description>
       <description>Patricks Resume</description>

Blogs and RSS Feeds

  1. Blogs
    1. Show Examples of blogs – is it a blog or a web site
    2. How to create a blog.
      1. Show example using tumblr
      2. Your turn to create a blog using one of the following:
        1. Blogger – Patricks Blogger blog –
        2. Live Journal
        3. My Opera – Patricks Opera blog –
        4. tumblr – Patricks tumblr blog –
        5. – Patricks free WordPress blog –

      What is a blog and how do they work?

      1. CMS – Content Management System
    3. RSS/Atom Feeds
      1. What are they
      2. Show examples of feeds
        1. Web sites
          1. Indiana Foundation – Newsroom RSS Feed –
          2. The New York Times RSS Feed –
        2. Blogs
          1. RSS FEEDS | UX Magazine Complete UX Mage Feed –
          2. Noah’s Ark Wetlands Foundation – RSS Feed –
        3. Simple XML Document
      3. Subscribing to a Feed
        1. In a web browser – Opera, Firefox, Safari etc.
        2. News reader – Goggle reader, Bloglines etc.
        3. Software Application –newsgator

    Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere