
Summer Session I (1.5 credits)

Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 to 8:30pm

Course Description

This course will take a look at a variety of different types of Emerging Technologies that have been created and developed in recent years. Web 2.0 is term that gets used in a variety of different environments that includes, but is not limited to libraries, news organizations, academia, and word of mouth. The focus of this course will be to look at the tools and technology that are considered to be Web 2.0 and social networking. Regardless of the category we come up with to describe the technology it is important to recognize that these tools are shaping the way we learn, play, and communicate with each other.

During the workshop we will be doing several different things from writing a blog to creating a mashup. The environment that we work in is changing faster than ever giving us new opportunities to engage people. After coming up with a class definition and criteria for Web 2.0 we will explore how libraries are currently using Emerging Technologies and what impact they have on the library services offered to library patrons.

This workshop will be broken up into several different topics that will allow you to gain hands on experience using a variety of different technologies. Approximately two-thirds of the class will be hands on giving you the opportunity to learn and use a variety of different types of technology. It is imperative that you attend each class because the focus of the course is based upon active learning in which we will explore social networking software and share the information we learn with each other. At the end of the class you will have created a blog that will contain all of the things that we have discussed during the workshop.

The goals and learning objectives consist of the following:

  • To learn about the types of technologies libraries are currently using.
  • To learn how we can use technology to provide improved and more efficient services to patrons.
  • Learn about Web 2.0 technologies and how they have evolved over time.
  • To have the opportunity to use a variety of different software applications and technology.
  • The use of electronic resources to share and find information (i.e. blogs, social bookmarking).
  • To have the ability to explain and demonstrate how Web 2.0 can benefit the library community.


All of the readings for this workshop are available online or through the libraries electronic databases. Please see the course outline below for more information.

Course Assignments

For each class there have been readings assigned to introduce you to the topic that we will be talking about. You will also be responsible for selecting one article, blog, or online training piece based upon that particular class session. The article you select can come from a journal, newspaper, magazine, or conference paper (online or print). This will be discussed in more detail during the first class session. Please come prepared each week to discuss the item you have selected with your classmates. Class discussions are important because it will give us the opportunity to share and explore a variety of different types of technology. Your grade for the workshop will be based on individual assignments, group assignments, and participation.


  1. Blog
    1. Class Blog
      1. A blog has been created for the workshop.
      2. The class blog will be used to communicate with each other during the workshop. Important information related to class will be posted here giving us the opportunity to interact with each other as a group.
      3. It is your responsibility to read the blog.
    2. Your Blog
      1. During the first class session the instructor will show you how to create a blog.
      2. You will need to write a blog entry for each class session. This will be your chance to record your thoughts and ideas about the types of technologies that we will be using and talking about during class.
      3. You will need to post a short paper approximately 2 pages long on your blog discussing your experience using it.  The post is due Monday, June 7, 2010.
      4. Everyones blog will be listed on the class blog.
      5. A posting does not have to be very long, but probably should be around two paragraphs long unless noted other wise.
      6. **Advice – Spend approximately 30 minutes twice a week to update your blog, read your classmates, and post comments.
  2. Technology and Writing assignments- Throughout the course you will be given four assignments based upon the technology that we will be discussing during class.
    1. RSS Feed paper and creation
      1. Part I – 1 page paper
        1. Using a web-based feed reader such as Bloglines, Google Reader, NewsGator etc. subscribe to seven different feeds.
        2. After subscribing to the feeds take a look at another feed reader and compare and contrast it to the one that you used.
        3. Post your paper on your blog.
      2. Part II – RSS Feed creation
        1. You will create a valid RSS 2.0 Feed in XML that will validate using the W3C Feed Validation Service. The feed that you will create will be used to direct people to your electronic resume that you created in S401 or another web page you have created in the past.
        2. You will only create one feed (one XML document); However, it must be placed within your www directory on ella, so people can subscribe to the feed. The feed that you create will need to have one item along with the required channel element.
        3. Post a link to the feed you created on your blog.
    2. Social Bookmarking Exploration Paper about two pages
      1. You will need to use a social bookmarking site such as delicious, Netvouz, StumbleUpon etc. For this assignment you will need to do the following things:
        1. Bookmark at least five different web sites and tag them appropriately.
        2. Select one website that you bookmarked and try to determine if other people have also bookmarked the same one. Please be aware that this may not be possible in every social bookmarking website.
        3. Do a search in the social bookmarking site that you selected to use for at least three tags that you used to describe your bookmarks.
        4. Look at the positive and negative aspects of the tool that you have chosen to use.
        5. Do a search in two other social bookmarking sites for the three of the tags that you used.  For example, if you set up an account in Delicious do a search for three tags in Netvouz.
        6. Post your paper on your blog.
    3. Mashup with Google Maps
      1. Part I Map – You will create a map using Google Maps.
        1. The map will be used for directions from a point of your choosing to the Herman B Wells Library. It will need to contain the following:
          1. A place mark for the starting point, address, and a picture.
          2. A second place mark for the Herman B Wells Library including address, phone number, and a picture of the building.
          3. A description describing how you would get from the starting point to the Herman B Wells Library.
      2. Part II Mashup – You will need to create an HTML web page that will contain your Mashup. Please create a link from your blog to the HTML page. The Mashup will contain 6 items.
        1. Required items:
          1. The map you created in Google Maps.
          2. A link to your RSS Feed and blog. It will need to have an item added to it that directs people to your HTML page.
          3. A chat widget.
        2. At least three additional items that extends the functionality of the HTML page you create. The items that you decide to include must display information that comes from an external source, such as frequently updated weather reports, book covers, etc.
    4. Online Tutorial paper about 1 1/2 pages and Story Board/Script
      1. Based upon our discussion in class about different ways to provide training online such as a website, podcast, video cast, screen cast, or flash presentation select something you think would be appropriately for an online training piece.
        1. Paper – about 1 1/2 pages
          1. Describe the item or subject matter that would make a good online tutorial.
          2. Discuss the best delivery method for the tutorial (i.e. podcast, video cast, website).
          3. Talk about the audience.
          4. Discuss the content that you will include in the online tutorial.
        2. A brief storyboard (2 sketches) or script (½ page)
          1. If you feel that your type of technology is best suited to be developed as a website, flash presentation, video cast or screen cast you will need to create a story board that contains at least two sketches.
          2. The storyboard will only need to be paper and pencil and will include the placement for the content you discussed in your paper.
          3. On the other hand, if you feel that your technology would best be delivered as a podcast you will need to create a written script that is at least a half page long.
  3. Library Assignment or “How libraries are using technology”For this assignment you will select and contact a library you are interested in working in or learning more about. You will need to find out what types of technology they are currently using and what impact it as made on the library services that are being offered to patrons. The assignment will be introduced during the first class and discussed in further detail during the second class.Here are some suggested questions to ask:
    “How long have they been using the technology?”
    “What have they not used but are interested in using in the future?”
    “Are the technologies used by staff, patrons or both?”
    “What has been the response from patrons in regards to the technology?”These are just a few suggestions to get you started with, feel free to open your mind and explore in detail the items that you find the most fascinating.

    1. Paper – Approximately 4 pages long discussing your findings. Please include the questions that you asked in an appendix.
    2. Presentation – Present your findings to the class, don’t just read your paper, talk about the experience in gathering the information, what your library is doing with technology and any advice you have for the class.


  1. Blog 14%
  2. Technology and writing assignments – 36%
    1. RSS Feed paper and creation – 9%
    2. Social Bookmarking Exploration Paper – 9%
    3. Online Tutorial paper and Storyboard/Script – 9%
    4. Mashup with Google Maps – 9%
  3. Library Assignment 40%
  4. Weekly Attendance and Participation 10%
  • A 94% and above
  • A- 90% to 93%
  • B+ 86% to 89%
  • B 83% to 88%
  • B- 80% to 82%
  • C+ 77% to 79%
  • C 73% to 78%
  • C- 70% to 72%
  • D+ 67% to 69%
  • D 63% to 66%
  • D- 60 to 62%
  • F 59% and below

SLIS-Definitions of Letter Grades

Indiana University School of Library and Information Science Definitions of Letter Grades

The following definitions of letter grades have been defined by student and faculty members of the Curriculum Steering Committee and have been approved by the faculty as an aid in evaluation of academic performance and to assist students by giving them an understanding of the grading standards of the School of Library and Information Science.

  • A 4.0 Outstanding achievement. Student performance demonstrates full command of the course materials and evinces a high level of originality and/or creativity that far surpasses course expectations.
  • A- 3.7 Excellent achievement. Student performance demonstrates thorough knowledge of the course materials and exceeds course expectations by completing all requirements in a superior manner.
  • B+ 3.3 Very good work. Student performance demonstrates above-average comprehension of the course materials and exceeds course expectations on all tasks as defined in the course syllabus.
  • B 3.0 Student performance meets designated course expectations and demonstrates understanding of the course materials at an acceptable level.
  • B- 2.7 Marginal work. Student performance demonstrates incomplete understanding of course materials.
  • C+ 2.3 Unsatisfactory work. Student performance demonstrates incomplete and inadequate understanding of course materials.
  • C 2.0
  • C- 1.7 Unacceptable work. Coursework performed at this level will not count toward the MLS or MIS degree. For the course to count toward the degree, the student must repeat the course with a passing grade.
  • D+ 67% to 69%
  • D 63% to 66%
  • D- 60 to 62%
  • F Failing. Student may continue in program only with permission of the Dean.

Please visit the following web page on the SLIS website for additional information:

Late Assignments

Assignments are due at the beginning of the class the day they are due. If an assignment is turned in late without prior approval you will be penalized ten percent for each day it is late. After six days if an assignment is not turned in it will not be accepted. Please contact me if you are sick or have an emergency that may prevent you from turning in an assignment on time.


You are required to be here for each and every class. The focus of this workshop will be to learn how to use different types of technologies from a hands on perspective. If you are unable to attend a class please contact me before or as soon as possible if this is not practical. If you do miss a class you will be still responsible for:

  • Handing in all assignments due for that day on time and
  • Obtaining notes and handouts from other students

Part of each class will be used for working on assignments. Class time is not the place to be browsing the web or other activities that are distracting to your classmates.

Academic Dishonesty

There is plenty of information in regards to academic dishonesty in the “Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct” and can be found at

In this document plagiarism is defined as: “Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged, unless the information is common knowledge. What is considered “common knowledge” may differ from course to course.” Retrieved December 31, 2008 from

Course Outline

Class 1 –Tuesday,  May 11

Topic: Introduction, How to Define Web 2.0, Create Criteria

Assignments Given: Blog Assignment, Library Assignment discussed

Cambell, J. (2006). Changing a Cultural Icon: The Academic Library as a Virtual Destination. Educause Review, 41(1), 16-31. Retrieved January 5, 2009, from

Wallis, R. (2007). Web 2.0 To Library 2.0 – From Debate To Reality A Presentation to the cpd 25 Conference, 23 April 2007, London. New Review of Information Networking, 13(1), 53-64. doi:10.1080/13614570701571484. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from

Class 2 – Thursday, May 13

Topic: Blogging and RSS Feeds

Due: Blog created with a sample post and the url submitted to instructor.

Assignments Given: Library Assignment and RSS Feed subscriptions and creation


Schrecker, D. L. (2007). Using blogs in academic libraries: versatile information platforms. New Library World 109(3/4), 117-129. doi: 10.1108/03074800810857586. Retrieved February 21, 2009, from;jsessionid=A101DE51CDF4C67EF324378980CDEE93?contentType=Article&contentId=1714534.

Williams, P. (2007). There are real people in there? Blogging at the University of Worchester. Serials, 21(1), 9-13. Retrieved, February 21, 2009, from;jsessionid=A101DE51CDF4C67EF324378980CDEE93?contentType=Article&contentId=1714920

Scoble, R., Israel, R. (2006). Naked conversations: how blogs are changing the way business talk with customers. N.J.: John Wiley.
Home page.
State of the Blogosphere.

Please Note: We will Not be meeting on Tuesday May 18

Class 3 – Thursday, May 20

Topic: The Electronic Reference Desk

Due: 1st official Blog Post – RSS Feed paper and creation

Assignment Given: none


American Library Association (2006). Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining Virtual Reference Services, December 14, 2006. Retrieved May 19, 2010, from

Chapter 4 Keern, K. M. (2009). Virtual Reference Best Practices Tailoring services to your Library. Chicago:American Library Association. Call #Z711.45.K47 2009

Lipow, A. G. (1997). Thinking Out Loud: Who Will Give Reference Service in the Digital Environment? Reference and User Services Quarterly 37(2), 125-129. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from Wilson Web.

Class 4 – Tuesday, May 25

Topic: Mashups and Mapping Software

Due: 2nd Blog Post about Virtual Reference Experience

Assignment Given: Mashup

Cho, A. (2007). An introduction to mashups for health librarians. JCHLA/JABSC 28(1), 19-22. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from

Vandenburg, M. (2007). Using Google Maps as an interface for the library catalog. Library Hi Tech 26(1), 33-40. doi: 10.1108/07378830810857780. Retrieved February 26, 2009, from;jsessionid=A101DE51CDF4C67EF324378980CDEE93?contentType=Article&contentId=1714920

Gibson, R., & Erie, S. (2006). Google Maps Hacks. CA: O’Reilly.
Google Earth Reference Guide –
Google Maps User Guide –

Class 5 – Thursday, May 27

Topic: Social Networking, Social Bookmarking

Due: 3rd Blog Post – Mashup

Assignment Given: Social Bookmarking Exploration paper about two pages. Find examples of on-line learning/training to discuss during next class.

Breeding, M. (2006). Technology for the Next Generation. Computers in Libraries, 26(10), 28-30. Retrieved December 4, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database

W3C (2009, January). Report from W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking. Retrieved February 20, 2009, from

Class 6 – Tuesday, June 1

Topic: On-line Training and Learning

Due: 4th Blog Post – Social Bookmarking Exploration paper about two pages

Assignment Given: Online Tutorial paper about 1 1/2 pages and Story Board/Script

Harrison, M., Summerton, S. and Peters, K. (2005). Endnote Training For Academic Staff And Students: The Experience Of The Manchester Metropolitan University Library. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 11(1), 31-40. doi: 10.1080/13614530500417594 Retrieved January 18, 2009, from

Johnson, K., Trabelsi, H. & Tin, T. (2004). Library Support for Online Learners: e-Resources, e- Services and the Human Factors. In Anderson, T. & Ellumi, F. (Ed.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning (Chapter 14). Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University. Retrieved February 20, 2009 from

Class 7 – Thursday, June 3

Topic: Millennials and Web 2.0 users

Due: Online Tutorial Paper about 1 1/2 pages and Story Board/Script in Print

Assignment Given: none


Abram, S., & Luther, J. (2004, May). Born with the Chip. Library Journal, 129(8), 34-37. Retrieved January 5, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

Oblinger, D., & Oblinger, J. (2005). Is It Age or IT: First Steps toward Understanding the New Generation. In Oblinger, D., & Oblinger, J. (Ed.), Educating the Net Generation. (pp. 2.1-2.20) Educause. Retrieved January 5, 2009, from

Class 8 – Tuesday, June 8

Topic: Library Technology Presentations

Due: Library Assignment – Presentation (Paper is due June 15, 2009)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final Blog Post. About 2 pages long discussing your experience using the blog.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Library Assignment Paper Due. The paper needs to be e-mailed to the instructor.